The Bride's Big Day!

“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”—for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints (Revelation 19:7-8).

Her big day has come! All the preparations are made, and all the arrangements are set. She has labored to ensure that the moment her soon-to-be groom locks eyes on her, he will see her arrayed in all her beauty and splendor.

In our day, the bride is the focal point of the wedding. We call it, “her big day.” When we turn to the wedding supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19, though, we find that the central figure of this wedding is the bridegroom, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. Nonetheless, the Lord will make much to do of his bride on that day!

The New Testament teaches us that the Church is likened to a bride, of whom Christ is her beloved. It is she for whom Christ gave his life on the cross and rose from the grave, so that he may present her to himself without spot or wrinkle (cf. Ephesians 5:27). And that day that John describes in Revelation 19:7-8 is the day of the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the bride of Christ has made herself ready.

In such excitement, the church prepares herself for her Lord in holiness and splendor. Separating herself from the world with all its allurements, she has been faithful. Engaging those deeds of righteousness, she has labored hard. And on that future day there will be no little reward!

As his church, then, we should be longing for this day. And as the bride of Christ we must be asking ourselves: are we preparing ourselves for this day? Are we challenging ourselves and one another to live holy and righteous lives, remaining pure for that day? Are we channeling all our efforts and energies to commit those righteous deeds which will cloth us on that day?

Brothers and sisters, let us not be lured away by the love of the world, which is passing away. But may we set our hearts completely on the task of preparing ourselves for the marriage supper of the Lamb!